What to expect during visits?

Rights of patients & relatives

  Right of confidentiality

  Right to know about disease, its cause, its progression etc

  Right to know about best medicines available, side effects etc

  Refuse to get treatment

  Empathy from doctor and staff

  To avoid unnecessary tests and hospital admissions

  To avoid unnecessary medicines

Responsibility of patient and relatives

  Faith on me & modern medical system which is evidence based

  Understand and take medicines as advised

  Exercise as advised

  Avoid advice from laymen (untrained doctors)

  If any confusion, talk clearly about your concern, I am happy to answer you.

  Some time some medicines are not adjusted in body, if you feel so, inform your doctor immediately

  Don’t ask for guarantee, you are not a machine. We just treat; it is nature/your body system/faith/medicine – all in complex, which help in healing.

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